Cancellation, No Show and Lateness Policies

Appointments are made in good faith and on the understanding that clients will arrive on time for their scheduled appointment.
It is understood that occasionally there are life events and circumstances occurring that mean that appointments simply cannot be met. It is very much appreciated that clients give as much notice as possible of changes to appointment times in order that more suitable appointment time can be made.

When booking an appointment you are reserving professional therapist time specifically for you. For this reason, when booking, the following policies will apply:

  • Cancellation and Changes
    • A minimum timescale of 48 hours is appreciated for cancellation or a change to the appointment time. This allows reasonable time for the cancelled appointment to be offered to another client. A cancellation in 24 hours or less does not allow a reasonable time for the appointment to be filled and therefore a charge of the full amount of the massage will be due.
  • No-show
    • Failure to turn up for a booked appointment will also incur the full cost of the booked treatment.
  • Late Arrival
    • If you are late for your appointment, the treatment time may have to be shortened in order to reduce inconvenience to others whose appointments follow yours. The full amount will still be charged.

All terms, conditions and prices are variable without prior notice. Those in force at the time of booking will apply. Any questions please contact me.